The Institute is excited to announce our next premier online program:
Chiropractic Care for the Pregnant Patient
Based on the Principles of SOT®
In this 3-month, one-of-a-kind, comprehensive Chiropractic Care for the Pregnant Patient course you will learn to competently, confidently, efficiently, and safely work with this unique segment of the population.
The SOT® based system will allow you to safely work with your patients from the beginning of their pregnancy through the final trimester. Within this paradigm of care you will get the skills to not only address the ever changing needs of the pregnant patient, but you will learn specific techniques to help with some of the most common challenges faced by this population.
You will attain the expertise to handle the unique challenges and changes that occur during this special time of life. You will be able to create a unique practice paradigm, that will not only allow you to help these patients adapt to their ever-changing body, mind and spirit transformations that occur during pregnancy, but you will also have the tools to communicate the true value of the chiropractic adjustment and its importance in creating the best physical and neurological environment for themselves and their growing baby.
You will receive 14 modules over a 3-month period.

Get Your Introductory Video Free!
You will learn the importance of chiropractic care during this special time as well as specialized techniques to support the specific needs of the pregnant patient.

This course is a phenomenal source of information to help your pregnant patients. It is hands on experience coupled with other information that can help everyone have the healthiest and most comfortable pregnancy. I would recommend it!! Great information, clinical pearls and things that can immediately be implemented into practice.
Dr. Stephanie Rittenour

Drs Martin and Nancy Rosen are amongst the most dedicated Chiropractors alive today. Their drive to share their experience and knowledge is exceptional. They don't hold back with regard to what they teach and go out of their way to support their students and fellow Chiropractors. They cover a very wide range of topics within the parameters of the course content and teach with real thought for their learners. I can't imagine anyone regretting doing this course - that includes those who have recently graduated and those who are as long in the tooth as I am - I have been a Chiropractor over 25 years! I hope that you enjoy the courses as much as I have.
Dr. Claire Gordon

Chiropractic care for the pregnant patient is by far the best chiropractic technique course on pregnancy I have done. The modules were clear and the video demonstrations made the course easy to follow. The Q&A sessions were fabulous for clarifying and reviewing the modules. Martin and Nancy were so well prepared and available for any questions. I would definitely recommend this course.
Dr. Julie Uren
Drs. Rosen and Watson met in 1978 in Chiropractic school and spent the rest of their lives dedicated to each other, their family and their profession.
Peak Potential Institute is Introducing ...
Chiropractic Care for the Pregnant Patient
For chiropractors who want to elevate their skills in this specialized field
Perfect for beginner, intermediate, and advanced chiropractors.

"Taking this course will give you a better understanding of SOT and how it applies to prenatal and even postnatal patients."
Dr. April Kosinski
How would you like to be the go-to chiropractor for this ever-growing population?

Rise to Expert Status

Get Consistent Referrals from other Health Care Professionals

Attain a Unique Skill Set to Create a Constant New Patient Flow

Grow Your Lifetime Care Practice Effortlessly
You will learn comprehensive protocols that will allow you to confidently, safely, and effectively work with this unique and constantly growing segment of the population.
Strengthen and simplify your adjusting and case management procedures to address the unique concerns of the pregnant patient and at the same time transform your practice to the one you have been dreaming about.

14 Lessons
(Value $1200)
Bonus! Class Workbooks
(Value $150)
Bonus! Private Community
(Value $330)
Bonus! Live Q&As with Both Doctors
(Value $700)
Total Value = ($2380)
Today's Price = $695
until the price goes up!
Take a look at what we'll cover ...
Class 1 - Chiropractor's Role - Anatomy and Physiology
Class 2 - Stages of Pregnancy - SOT Categories and Pregnancy
Class 3 - Prone Blocking Techniques: Category One
Class 4 - Category II and Category III Testing and Blocking
Class 5 - Ancillary Procedures: Psoas, T11-T12, posterior femur and acetabular restriction corrections
Class 6 - Sacral Corrections: SOR, Sacral Cup, Anterior Sacrum, Sacral Segment Correction and Sacral Pussy foot Technique
Class 7 - Seated Blocking Techniques
Class 8 - Alternative Blocking Techniques
Class 9 - Orthopedic Blocking and non-osseus corrections, Pubic Symphsis Correction, Supportive Exercises and Sacro-iliac belts
Class 10 - Pelvic Contraint Technique with Blocking
Class 11 - Case Management: Morning Sickness, Hemorrhoids
Class 12 - Case Management: VBAC - Past Due Date
Class 13 - Case Management: Constipation - Generalized Swelling - Carpal Tunnel Sydrome
Class 14 - Case Management: Premature Labor - Inability to Maintain Pregnancy or Conceive