The Institute is excited to announce our premier online program:
SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program
With over a combined 80 years of clinical experience, Drs. Rosen and Watson’s 10-month
premier SOT ® Pediatric Certificate Program is answering the call.
In this online comprehensive pediatric spinal and cranial evaluation and adjusting program, you will not only acquire the skills to become the go to pediatric chiropractic in your area, but you will build your confidence, up your game and acquire a level of expertise second to none.
Our program is the one of most comprehensive spinal and cranial evaluation and adjusting
program in the chiropractic profession. You will learn a complete pediatric evaluation system for spinal and cranial dysfunction as well as meningeal, tonal, and structural adjusting procedures applicable to all your pediatric patients. Be confident, be successful, be able to produce the results you promise and create a fulfilling, lifetime centered waiting list practice.
Join us today.

Registration is Currently Closed
Join the waitlist to be notified when we open registration!

Sara O'Connell DC
I really enjoyed this course and as a business owner and mama of 3 littles, I really appreciated that it was virtual. I learned a lot and feel much more confident in my examination and skills when it comes to taking care of kiddos. Dr. Rosen is a wealth of knowledge and it was an honor to have the opportunity to learn from him.
This program was jam packed with so much knowledge and wisdom, I already learned so much and I know each time I reference back to my notes I’ll find even more tidbits and pearls! Thank you for all that you do!

Lim Pui Yi, DC
After the course, I have applied the skills learned not only on pediatrics but also on older populations who are suffering from eczema and insomnia. The skill has helped tremendously in my practice, getting me more referrals and enabling me to help more patients in need. Learning from professional Drs. like Dr. Watson and Dr. Rosen ensures you to get tons of hands on properly as they are very engaging on and off screen.

Kylie Phillips, DC
Drs. Rosen and Watson met in 1978 in Chiropractic school and spent the rest of their lives dedicated to each other, their family and their profession.

Mentoring to Mastery
The techniques we teach sell themselves through their results!
The best way to grow and improve your practice while at the same time empowering your patients is to deliver what you promise ... and a little bit more.
How would you like the key to a lifetime care, family centered practice?
- Are you stuck saying and doing the same thing on your pediatric patients with limited or marginal clinical and follow-through results?
- Have you taken other pediatric seminars and felt like there was more to learn?
- Were you unable to implement the procedures?
- Did your ability to communicate the true value of pediatric chiropractic care fail to improve?
- Does the feeling of success, both monetarily and clinically, feel just out of reach?
- Or do you have a practice that brings you satisfaction but want to continue to grow both professionally and personally?
Imagine how your life will change once you have acquired the skills, confidence, knowledge and ability to communicate your expertise to both your patients and prospective patients with ease and consistency.

Dr. Daniel Kimbley
There is more content in this program than anywhere I've ever seen. The videos have easy to understand demonstrations and it's easy to follow and broken down into short, palatable chunks. If you want to know more about how the primary respiratory mechanism in the body works, then you MUST take the course. I believe this course leads us to identify more primaries and give a deeper level of care to anyone at any age.

Dr. Cecelia Mikles
After taking both the 10-month online pediatric SOT course and the three-part in person SOT pediatric courses, I can say without a doubt the confidence in my skill and knowledge grew exponentially. The in-person classes increased my competency and expanded my comfort zone. Having hands-on practice and feedback was invaluable to grow my skill and technical tools. The 10-month course work increased my confidence due to the in-depth curriculum and protocols with constant practice. Drs. Marty and Nancy have made these courses fun and have delivered on raising the entire profession to a new level. Their dedication to the art of chiropractic is like no other. I’m grateful for all I have learned and looking forward to studying with them in the future.
As a principled chiropractor your work, your family, your social circles and your lifestyle choices are profoundly intertwined. Being able to fulfill your life’s visions, dreams, expectations, desires, hopes, needs and wants cannot be separated from how you walk through your life.
We want you to be able to produce and provide the highest level of service for your family, patients and community as you endeavor to reach your greatest potential as a chiropractor. Once this is attained, you will reap the rewards from serving with skill, confidence and integrity.
To uplift our profession, to improve the delivery of the art of chiropractic, to improve the human condition and help you attain your goals are the reasons we have done what we do for over 40 years and why we continue to offer our programs to the profession.
Peak Potential Institute is Introducing ...
SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program
For chiropractors who want to elevate their skills
Perfect for beginner, intermediate, and advanced chiropractors.

How would you like to be at the forefront of pediatric chiropractic care?

Rise to Expert Status

Educate Patients Consistently

Attain a Unique Skill Set

Grow Your Practice Effortlessly
You will learn comprehensive pediatric spinal and cranial evaluation and adjusting protocols that will allow you to confidently, safely, and effectively work with any segment of the pediatric population.
Avoid the pitfalls of inconsistent messaging and care protocols, strengthen and simplify your adjusting and case management procedures and transform your practice to the one you have been dreaming about.

Dan Continenza, DC
I have now had two cases where a child was delayed in motor development, one with crawling, the other with walking, where I was able to identify that the issue was primarily due to top-down interference, and was able to correct subluxation effectively enough to get the children making developmental leaps within the first week. This course provided me with a much deeper understanding of where, when and how subluxation shows up in the early stages of life. It also provided me with a deep, complex understanding of the infant cranium and what proper development and motion SHOULD look like, as well as a plethora of adjusting techniques I can use to help address the signs of subluxation safely and effectively in young children. Taking this course fills a heavily overlooked gap in both understanding the cranium AND understanding infants/baby adjusting, in general.
Take a look at what we'll cover ...
Introduction to the Pediatric Master Class
- Anatomical and Physiological Factors in Pediatric Neurological Growth and Development
- Effect of Aberrant Neurological Patterns (Subluxations) on the Developing Nervous System
- Long-Term Effects if Subluxations Go Uncorrected
- Rationale for Pediatric Care for Developing and Maintaining a Pediatric Chiropractic Practice
- Move Your Communication and Understanding to the Next Level
- Help You Build a Pediatric Practice Based on Concrete Neurological Principles
Class 1 - The Case History
- Purpose of the Pediatric Examination
- Prenatal and Delivery History
- APGAR Score
- Standard Information
- Growth and Development
- Developmental Milestones
- Motor Functions
- Sensory Functions
- Nutritional Considerations
- Medical Survey
Class 2 - Spinal Examination of Pre-Ambulatory Infant
- Prone Examination Procedure
- Supine Examination Procedure
- Reflex Examination Procedure
- Seated Examination
- Heart Rate/Pulse/Blood Pressure
- Plagiocephaly
- Examination Demonstration
- Sacro Occipital Respiratory Motion (SOR)
- Anterior Sacrum Evaluation
- Occipital Sacral Segmental Indicators
Class 3 - Occipital Fiber Analysis
- Occipital Lines and Fibers
- Vertebrae to Organ Correlations
- Occipital Sideslip Fiber Evaluation
- Dollar and Crest Sign Evaluation
- Atlas/Dural Restriction
- Cervical Stairstep
Class 4 - Demonstration of Pre-Ambulatory Examination
- Prone Examination
- Supine Examination
Class 5 - Spinal Examination of Child 3 years and older
- Cranial Nerves
- Combined Neurological Processes
- Postural Analysis
- Standing Category Analysis
- Nuchal Rigidity
- Convergence
- Laterality and Dominance
- Locomotion
- Vestibular Development
- Finger to Nose Test 2
- Rapid Pronation and Supination of Hand
- Foot Tapping
- Heel to Shin
- Short-Term Memory
- Cervical Compaction Compression Test (CCC)
- Anterior Femur Evaluation
- Plumb Line
- Rib Head Analysis
- Palpation of the PSIS
Class 6 - Demonstration of Examination on 4 year old
- Standing Postural Analysis
- Rib Head Analysis
- Sway Analysis
- Walk in Place
- Vestibular Analysis
- Coordinated Movement
- Heel to Toe
- Laterality and Dominance
- Light Reflexes
- Visual Fields
- Convergence
- Short-Term Memory
- Seated Examination
- Coordinated Movement
- Reflexes
- Cervical ROM
- Psoas Test
- Thoracic ROM
- Muscle Testing
- Prone Examination
- Leg Length Measurement
- Dural Restriction
- Dollar and Crest Signs
- Supine Examination
- Leg Length and Dural Restriction
- Anterior Femur Head
- Acetabular Restriction
- Psoas Test
- Shoulder Evaluation
- Cervical Stairstep
- C1-C2 Subluxation
- Cervical Compaction Compression Test (CCC)
Class 7 - Pediatric Cranial Examination
- Palpation of the Cranium
- Sutures, Landmarks and Fontanelles
- External Musculature and Fascia
- Internal Palpation of the Palate
- Sphenobasilar Ranges of Motion
- Secondary Respiratory Evaluation
- Primary Respiratory Evaluation
- Visual Cranial Evaluation Protocols
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Cranium
- Bones and Landmarks
- Sutures and Fontanelles
- Dural Meningeal System
- Primary Respiratory Mechanics
- Secondary Respiratory Mechanics
Class 8 - CSF and Primary and Secondary Motion
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Cranium (cont.)
- Primary Respiratory Motion
- Mechanics of CSF
- Cranial Bone Remodeling
- Differences between Secondary and Primary Cranial Motion
- Sphenobasilar Mechanism and Sacral Angle
- Cranial Motion
- Cranial Sutures and Dural Membranes
- Dura Matter
- Cranial Dural Membranes
- Dural Tension Stress Patterns
Class 9 - Cranial Bone Movement
- The Cranial Examination
- Palpation of CSF Pulsations
- Sphenobasilar Torsion
- Flexion/Extension of Sphenobasilar Junction
- Sphenoid Lateral Motion
- Occipital Lateral Flexion
- Temporal Bone Rotation
- Internal/External Mastoid Flare
- Fronto-Sphenoid Lateral Flexion
- Maxilla
- Parietals
- Occiput
Class 10 - Dural Meningeal System and Sphenoid
- Dural/Meningeal Evaluation
- Sphenoid Mechanics
- Sphenobasilar Distortion Presentations
- Sphenoid Motion Evaluation
- Sphenobasilar Intra-oral Evaluation
- Palate Distortion Presentations
- Palate Distortions
- Palate Evaluation
Class 11 - Cranial Visual Analysis
- Frontal
- Frontal External
- Frontal Internal
- Temporal
- Temporal External
- Temporal Internal
- Occipital
- Occipital Flexion
- Occipital Extension
- Sphenoid
- Sphenoid Flexion
- Sphenoid Extension
- Maxilla
- Maxilla External
- Maxilla Internal
- Parietal
- Parietal External
- Parietal Internal
- Palpatory Evaluation Guidelines
- Cranial Examination External
Class 12 - Cervical and Occipital Meningeal Techniques
- Neurological Indicators
- Occiput
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
- Sacrum
- Pelvis
- Alanto Occipital Adjustment
- Occipital Alanto Restriction
- Occipital Condyle Adjustment
- Occipital Fiber Analysis
- Inferior Occipital Fiber Prone
- Occipital Sideslip Correction
- Adjusting the Cervical Spine
- Atlas/Dural restriction
- Atlas Correction
- Axis Correction
- Cervical Stairstep
- Orthobionomy® Correction Protocols
- Orthobionomy Corrections
- Double Thumb Thrust
- Atlas/Dural restriction
Class 13 - Pediatric Thoracic Adjusting
- Single or Double Transverse Corrections
- Trapezius Fiber Correction
- Occipital Fiber Correction
- Line 1
- Line 2
- One Finger Tap
- Rapid Flexion and Extension
- Indirect Technique Modified Orthobionomy®
- Upper T1-T4
- Middle T5-T8
- Lower T9-T12
Class 14 - Pediatric Lumbar and Sacrum Techniques
- Resistance and Contraction (R&C) Factors
- Double Hand Pump Technique
- Sacro Occipital Respiratory Motion (SOR)
- Anterior Sacrum Evaluation
- Anterior Sacrum Adjustment
- Sacral Pussyfoot
- Sacral Segmental Adjustments
Class 15 - Pediatric Pelvic and Ancillary Techniques
- Adjusting the Pelvis
- Supine Pelvic Adjustment
- Category II Non-Block Adjustment
- Prone Pelvic Adjustment
- Single Leg Ileum Adjustment
- Bilateral PSIS Adjustment
- Ancillary Techniques (Age 3+)
- Cervical Stairstep Restricted
- Hypermobility
- Standard Osseous Adjustments
- Occipital Condyle Rocker Adjustment
- Orthopedic Blocking
- Manual Adjusting (set-up for inferiority)
- Anterior Femur Test with Adductor or Abductor Balance
- Anterior Femur Adjustment
- Acetabular Restriction/Posterior Femur
- Psoas Correction
Class 16 - Types of Cranial Techniques and CSF
- Common Use of Cranial techniques
- Cranial Bone Remodeling
- The Effects of Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Cranial Motion Review
- Differences between Primary and Secondary Cranial Motion
- Sphenobasilar Mechanism and Sacral Angle
- Introduction to Landmarks
- Sutures
- Junctions
- Fontanels
Class 17 - The Cranial Base and Adjusting Guidelines
- The Cranial Base
- Basic Adjusting Guidelines
- Order of Correction
- Response to Touch/Pressure
Class 18 - Sphenoid and Sphenobasilar Corrections
- Sphenobasilar Corrections
- Sphenoid Mechanics
- Sphenobasilar Distortion Presentations
- Sphenoid and Sphenobasilar Corrections
- Sphenobasilar Symphysis Technique Inhalation Correction
- Exhalation Correction
Class 19 - Temporal, Occiput and Frontal Corrections
- Temporal Bone Corrections
- Temporal Internal Correction
- Temporal External Correction
- Temporal Correction
- Steps 1, 2 and 3
- Occipital Bone Corrections
- Occipital Flexion Correction
- Occipital Extension Correction
- Occipital Pump
- Frontal Bone Correction
- Frontal Molding
- Craniofacial Technique
Class 20 - CSF Balancing Techniques
- Condition-Specific Techniques
- Skull Molding
- Cranial Rhythm Impulse Technique
- CSF Balancing Technique
- CSF Directing Techniques
- Maxilla and Zygoma/Fruit Jar Techniques
- Frontal Fruit Jar
- Maxillary Straddle
- Malar-Maxilla Fruit Jar
- Maxillary Sinus Technique
Class 21 - Cranial Condition Specific Techniques
- C-Section Technique
- Hypo-Function Technique
- Hyper-Function Technique
- CSF Regulation Technique
- Ventricular Bulb Technique
- Eustachian Tube Technique
- Sagittal Parietal Release
- Cranial Bowl Lift
Class 22 - Maxilla/Zygoma and Fruit Jar Techniques
- Maxillary Sinus Technique
- Frontal Fruit Jar
- Maxillary Straddle
- Malar-Maxilla Fruit Jar
- Zygomatic Fossa Balancing
- Fronto-Zygomatic Technique
- Nasal Maxilla Technique
- Cruciate Suture Technique
- Sutherland’s Cant Hook
- Vagus Nerve Release
Class 23 - Teething and Vagus Techniques
- Condition-Specific Approaches
- Ear Infections
- Dollar Sign Neutralization Technique
- Maxilla Release for Internal Rotation
- Eustachian Tube Technique
- Drain Sinus & Submandibular Glands
- Teething Issues
- Fronto-Zygomatic Technique
- Maxillary Sinus Technique
- Zygomatic-Maxillary Technique
- Cranio Facial Technique
- Zygomatic Fossa Balancing
- Reciprocal Temporal Rocker Technique (RTRT)
- Headaches and Allergies 1
- Fruit Jar Techniques
- Sphenoid Technique
- Frontal Molding
- Asthma and Sinusitis - Reflex Stimulation Techniques
- Nasal Maxilla Technique
- Cruciate Suture Technique
- Zygomatic Fossa Balancing 8
- Fronto-Zygomatic Technique
- Fruit Jar techniques
- Ear Infections
Class 24 - Symptomatic Cranial Corrections
- Sympathetic Dominance Patterns
- Parasympathetic Dominance
- TMJ Corrections
- TMJ Balancing Techniques
- Asthma
- Intestinal or Digestive Issues
- Colds, Sinus, Ear and Drainage Issues
- Allergic Reactions
- Chronic Fevers
- Insomnia
- Hyperactivity
- Plagiocephaly
Class 25 - Specific Cranial Correction Techniques
- CSF Balancing and Stimulating Techniques
- Decreased ROM Corrections
- Companion Techniques
- Occipital Flexion and Extension
- Temporal External and Internal
- Frontal Internal and External
- Palpation of the Sutures & Fontanelles
- Inappropriate Response to Sense Development and Combined Neurological Reflexes
- Unresponsive, Decreased or Hyperactive Reflexes
Class 26 - Rules of Pediatric Cranial Adjusting
- Basic Adjusting Guidelines
- General Rules for Cranial Corrections in Infants
- Response to Touch/Pressure
- Correction Protocols
- Palatine Contacts
- Demonstration of Intra-Oral Corrections
- Occipital Flexion Correction
- Occipital Extension Correction
- Occipital Pump and Spread
- Ventricular Bulb Technique
Class 27 - Temporal and Frontal Intra-oral Corrections
- Temporal Internal Correction
- Pterygoid Release
- Temporal Correction
- Malar Correction
- Zygoma Correction
- Temporal External Correction
- Pterygoid Release
- Temporal Correction
- Malar Correction
- Zygoma Correction
- Balancing the Temporal Bones
- Reciprocal Temporal Rocker Technique (RTRT)
- Frontal Internal Correction
- Frontal External Correction
- Frontal External – Malar Correction
- Frontal Zygomatic Fruit Jar
- Maxillary Zygomatic Fruit Jar
- Craniofacial Technique
Class 28 - Intra-oral Sphenoid Corrections
- Sphenoid Motion Evaluation
- Maxillary/Sphenoid Maxillary/Palatine Suture Release
- Sphenoid Wing Intra-Oral Evaluation
- Sphenoid Intra-oral Release – Pterygoid Process
- Sphenoid Intra-oral Release – Sphenomaxillary Suture
- Sphenobasilar Junction Intra-Oral Correction
- Sphenobasilar Symphysis Balancing
Class 29 - Intra-oral Occiput and Palate Corrections
- Cranial Movement in Relation to the Palate
- Palate and Sphenoid Mechanics
- Sutural Closure of the Palate
- Dural/Meningeal Evaluation
- Palate Distortion Presentations
- Findings of palate Evaluation
- Corrections for Palate Distortions
- Palatine Contacts for Intra-oral Corrections
Class 30 - Demonstrations: Occiput, Temporal and Frontal
- Occipital Corrections for Flexion and Extension
- Temporal Bone Corrections – Internal and External
- Frontal Bone Corrections – Internal and External
Class 31 - Demonstrations: Sphenoid and Palate
- Sphenobasilar Correction
- Palate Corrections
- Sagittal Suture Corrections
Class 32 - Cranial Adjusting Guidelines
- Basic Adjusting Guidelines
- General Rules for Cranial Corrections in Infants
- Guidelines for Pediatric Cranial Adjusting
- Response to Touch/Pressure
- Cranium – Where Do You Start?
- Unresponsive, Decreased or Hyperactive Reflexes
- Inappropriate Response to Sense Development and Combined Neurological Processes
- Palate Distortions
- Palpation of the Sutures and Fontanelles
Class 33 - Acute Pain Control Techniques
- Four Treatment Components
- Visceral Balancing
- Spinal Neurological Rebalancing
- Meningeal Tension Reduction
- Cranial Aberrant Input Control
- General Pain Control
- Inferior Occiput – Fiber Neutralization
- Occipital Compression Indicator
- Occipital Compression Correction
- Occipital Fiber Prone Correction
- Occipital Sideslip Correction
Class 34 - Pediatric TMJ
- Sagittal Suture Pain Control
- Sagittal Suture Spread
- CSF Balancing Technique
- Pituitary/CSF Balance
- TS Line Correction Synchronization
- TS Line Correction
- Ear Infections
- Pain Neutralization
- Sinus Correction
- Eustachian Tube Technique
- Lymphatic Drain
- Evaluation
- Correction
- Colic/Digestive Issues
- Occipital Sacral Segmental Indicators
- Sacral Balancing
- IVC Correction
Class 35 - Symptomatic Clinical Corrections
- Aberrant Reflexes
- Parasympathetic Dominance
- Hyperactivity, ADHD and ADD
- Insomnia
- Lymphatic Stasis Syndrome
- Allergies
- Eczema
- Coughs, Colds and Sinuses
- Ear Infections/Earaches
- Constipation/Diarrhea
- Intestinal or Digestive Issues
Class 36 - Symptomatic Clinical Corrections (Part 2)
- Symptomatic Cranial Corrections
- Sympathetic Dominance Patterns
- Procedures for Immune System Issues
- Colic
- Sacral Balancing for Digestive Issues
- ICV Correction
- Colic and Digestive Issues
- Plagiocephaly
- Plagiocephaly & Brachycephaly
- Plagiocephaly Measurement iii. Scaphocephaly
- Plagiocephaly and Sphenobasilar Distortion Presentations
- Asthma
- Fevers
- Headaches
- Sphenoid Technique
- Insomnia
- Teething and Nursing Issues
- Hormonal System Imbalances
- Procedures for Stress (Mental/Emotional) Mediated Issues
- Hyperactivity Syndromes
Class 37 - Correlations of Finding
- Examination Procedure Outline
- Standard Procedures
- Sense Development
- Category Specific Analysis
- SOT Examination Flow Chart
- Prone
- Supine
- Seated
- Standing
- SOT Adjusting Protocols
- Category I
- Category II
- Cervical Major
- Category II Indicators
- Category I Indicators
Class 38 - Where Do You Start?
- Differential Diagnosis of Primary Subluxation Pattern
- Cranium
- Category I
- Category II
- Cervical Major
- Palate Distortions
- Basic Adjusting Guidelines
- Response to Touch/Pressure
Class 39 - Review of Pediatric Spinal Findings
- Cervical
- Inverted Swing Test
- Nuchal Rigidity
- Condylar System
- Cervical stairstep
- Thoracic
- Flexion Extension ROM
- Trapezius Fiber Analysis
- Lumbar
- R&C Factors
- Flexion Extension ROM
- Trapezius Fiber Analysis
- Occipital Fiber
- Sacrum
- Sacral Occipital Reciprocal (SOR) Motion
- Nuchal Ligament Indicator
- Leg to Buttock Measurement
- Occipital Segmental Indicator
- Pelvis
- Loss of SI Mobility
- Inverted Swing Test
- Legs Even Child Tenses Category I
- Bilateral Dollar Sign Evaluation
- Posterior Illium
- Spinal Exam – Cervical
- Cervical stairstep
- Occipital Atlanto Restriction
- Spinal Exam – Thoracic
- Trapezius Fiber Analysis
- Occipital Fiber Analysis
- Standard Adjusting Techniques
- Spinal Exam – Lumbar
- R&C Analysis
- Spinal Exam – Sacrum
- Nuchal Ligament Indicator
- Occipital Segmental Reflexes
- Cranial Exam
- Inverted Swing Test
Class 40 - Review of Pediatric Cranial Findings
- Unresponsive, Decreased, Hyperactive, or Retained Reflexes
- Inappropriate Response to Sense development and Combined Neurological Processes
- Palpation on the Sutures and Fontanelles
- Occipital Flexion and Extension Adjustments
- Temporal External and Internal Adjustments
- Frontal Internal and External Corrections
- Reflex Stimulation Techniques
- TMJ Balancing Techniques
You’re Going to Get Some Extras That Will Support You in Becoming a Chiropractic Pediatric Master
Bonus 1 - Class Workbooks and Complete Class Transcriptions
(Value $900)
Bonus 2 - Private Community
(Value $990)
Bonus 3 - Live Q&As with Both Doctors
(Value $2000)
Bonus 4 - Get Featured on our Graduate Referral List
(Value $150/year)

Bonus! Private Community
(Value $990)
Bonus! Live Q&As with Both Doctors
(Value $2000)
Bonus! Get Featured on our Graduate Referral List
(Value $150/year)
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this program open to?
How much time is required to finish the class?
I don’t use SOT® will this class still be applicable to me?
I’ve taken Dr. Rosen’s previous classes is this going to be a repeat of the material taught previously?
Is there a learning community included with this course?
Are there CEUs available for this course?
Are there workbooks included in the class?
Is there a test to validate competency and proficiency?

Zoltán Grauzer, DC
Professionally, I greatly expanded my knowledge about CNS functioning and the ways in which CNS functioning and development could be influenced. The Ortho-bionomy adjusting in the cervical area was much better tolerated than the usual adjusting by some of the small ambulatory children. I would certainly recommend the course to people interested in expanding their practice into the pediatric area because of the thoroughness of information contained and modes of support offered.

Berit Antman, DC
I want to deepen my understanding of the complex cranial bowl, how it is put together and how to unlock it when it has gone wrong. The course gave a template in which to address this complex Rubik's cube. I have been very afraid of treating infants before but the course shows pretty much the same techniques as treated in adults. The course was very advanced so I still have to study and deepen my understanding. It has deepened my understanding of the wholeness and complexity of the human body and made me curious and able to deepen my skills. Many infants have feeding problems where I have been able to help because there was a lot of focus on this issue in the course.
Are you ready to ...
- elevate your chiropractic skills?
- take the next step forward in your professional career?
- serve your pediatric patients better?
- create the practice and lifestyle you have always wanted?
- become the expert that everyone seeks out?
Here's the truth ... there are no other programs like this out there. Our unique teaching style, personal support and years of clinical and teaching experience is
unparalleled in the chiropractic profession when it comes to an all-inclusive pediatric spinal and cranial evaluating and adjusting program.
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then this program is a must for you. Don’t hesitate to change your practice and your life. Enroll now, we guarantee you will not be disappointed.
Learn More About Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson
In 1982, with the birth of their first daughter, the doctors realized that they needed to improve upon their chiropractic training to incorporate the adjusting techniques to care for the pediatric population. They quickly learned to know what they did not know. The birth of their first child pushed them to seek the skills and knowledge that was necessary to express and apply their chiropractic health care beliefs while raising a child in medically biased world. So, they sought out mentors who could help give them the tools necessary to maintain the health of this most precious gift, a new life.
In 1986, with the birth of their second daughter, they had reached the point in their careers where they were able to fill the gap, they had experienced back in 1982. While raising two daughters, maintaining two chiropractic practices, a seminar management business, teaching for several chiropractic organizations and colleges, writing and/or contributing to the writing of numerous chiropractic books, journals and research articles and producing a myriad of educational material for the chiropractic profession, oh and staying married for 40+ years, they have risen to the forefront of pediatric chiropractic care, especially in the field of cranial adjusting.
Codified over these past 40+ years the Pediatric Master Class Certificate series, both the in-person hands on program and the online Master Class series, is a culmination of their personal and professional journey.
The techniques, scientific information, research data and practice application skills presented in these seminars have been honed through years of experience and are invaluable tools to create a successful family/pediatric chiropractic practice today.
We promise you that you will not be disappointed in Drs. Rosen and Watson Pediatric Master Class Certificate Series and we guarantee that what you take away from this seminar will enrich the quality and abundance in your practice and your life.
The SOT® trademark is owned by SORSI, and SOTO-USA is licensed to use the trademark. Sacro Occipital Technique® trademark is owned by SOTO-USA.