The Institute is excited to announce our next premier online program:
Evaluation and Correction of Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal Restriction
Learning to detect and correct this dural meningeal subluxation is paramount when working with the pediatric patient. This meningeal subluxation is not just a localized fixation but more often a dural meningeal subluxation with a concomitant hypermobility that affects the entire dural meningeal system – from the cranium to the coccyx.
If you work with pediatric patients and are looking for a way to effectively evaluate and correct the atlas/axis dural meningeal subluxation complex, then the course is for you.

- Are you still using old school techniques to determine fixation subluxations, even though most pediatric subluxations are hypermobility/dural meningeal in nature?
- Do you want more confidence in determining where and when you have made a change in the dural meningeal system and neurological function?
- Do you want a safe and effective way to adjust this highly sensitive and vulnerable area of the spine?
- Would you like to get better patient outcomes more consistently, quickly, and easily?
In this ONLINE program you will learn to how determine the primary upper cervical subluxation and how to evaluate and correct the dural meningeal component in a safe and efffective way
The demonstrations, workshopping and lecture format will give you the ability to determine these dural meningeal subluxations and implement these correction protocols Monday morning in your office. You will be able to help more people and become the go-to expert in your community.

Often the primary subluxation occurs in the upper cervical region due both its vulnerability and strong dural attachments. The most common mechanism for disruption if this area is traction applied to the spinal cord during the birth process. If this subluxation goes uncorrected it can become a primary source of stimulus throughout the child’s life.
These compensatory patterns can not only affect proper neurological development (milestones, primal reflexes, and pre-programmed feedback loops) but they can manifest as only mild symptoms early in life and progress to more severe compensatory patterns as the child reaches age 4 or 5.
Your patient outcomes will improve, the ease of your adjustments will improve, your patient compliance will improve. As your practice grows your confidence and certainty will as well.
You will receive 5 modules over a 5-week period.

Registration is Currently Closed
Join the waitlist to be notified when we open registration.
Drs. Rosen and Watson met in 1978 in Chiropractic school and spent the rest of their lives dedicated to each other, their family and their profession.
How would you like to be the go-to chiropractor in your area?

Rise to Expert Status

Get Consistent Referrals from other Health Care Professionals

Attain a Unique Skill Set to Create a Constant New Patient Flow

Grow Your Lifetime Care Practice Effortlessly

5 Individual Classes
(Value $1200)
Bonus! Class Workbooks
(Value $150)
Bonus! Private Community
(Value $330)
Bonus! Live Q&A Session with Both Doctors
(Value $700)
Take a look at what we'll cover ...
Class 1 - Primary Meningeal Subluxation
Class 2 - Nervous System Development
Class 3 - Key Continuities of the Dural Meningeal System
Class 4 - Evaluation of Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal System
Class 5 - Correction of Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal System
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